The designer of this FontStruction has chosen not to make it available for download from this website by choosing an “All Rights Reserved" license.
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this typeface was inspired by warkop, warkop is a place that sells coffee at the side of the road, men usually buy coffee at this place, and typeface was inspired by the picture of coffee seeds
Cute! 'O' nya kreatif sekali!
cute font
so cuteeeee ><
Cutee! ;3
nice font! goodjob
Lucu fontnya, kreatif banget dikasi titik2 sama o nya dibikin kopi XD nice job!
Nice jobb!! Kreatiff pol bentuk typefacenya!! Keep up the good work!
kurang konsisten kayak e
keren.. hurufnya mirip cangkir kopi jadi pengen seduh kopi.. besar kecil dan tebal tipis hurufnya perlu diperhatikan supaya samaa
good jobbb!
Unique Font
baguuus! beberapa lebar hurufnya diatur lagi pasti lebih kereeen
waaaaaaaaaaaa so cuteeee,, tp ini emg fontnya ada yg gemuk ada yg kurus gitu ya? :'D
keren, unik, tapi perhatiin strokenya sama lebar hurufnya yaa :)
but you need to improve your consistency and letter width needs to be the same
Nice typeface! konsistensinya dapat ditingkatkan lagi.
overall, great work!!
Kreatiff pik font nya tapi sayang kurang konsisten lebar huruf yang satu antar yang lain, tapi wes oke kok !
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