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Try to adjust the kerning on the capital letters. Overall, nice work.
Menurut saya huruf 'S' tidak dipisah :D
nice work!
Love it! Cuma huruf-hurufnya pada 'kemepeten' sih.
bagusss kyk scriptt
buagus nemen jos :'''''''
wuuh keren jose, lengkungan lengkungannya sakti, terlihat seperti ditulis tangan, good jobb mas bro :D
kerningnya kurang konsisten. tp kuerenn! cantik
So neat :)
eh bagus lho ikii, enak diliat, huruf udah konsisten satu sama lainn, good job
Cool and nice typeface. Good job
nice font!
cool, nice!!
mantap pol jos , cuma spasinya betulin dikit aja .... uapiiik
Uapik pol jos.. Wkwkwk..
love it!
This Font is inspired by Indonesia chicken satay from Mrs. Abas and java ornament characteristics combined.
Verry good and so neat!
cool dan mantap boss!!
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