
by Jessewebb

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This is Fracture my first font. My chosen theme for this project was ‘disintegrate’. I began by looking up synonyms for my theme and I explored them visually in my sketchbook, just basic pencil sketches of a handful of letters. I went for quite illustrative type with a simple structure – the effect layered over the letter. Whilst flicking through ‘typography sketchbooks’ I found some work I liked and considered to be a similar style to mine – urban influences. The letter works on a square of 10-34 across with a width of about 10 squares on the elements of the letter itself, although it varies on corners and joins which gives it a block or slab style. Because of the styling of the typeface I would say it’s use is in short texts or headings. It works better on small scales as on a larger scale the curves and disintegrating effect begin to pixelate.


I tried it, it was fine. When I down load things two yellow buttons pop up "true type font" and "glyphs file"

The glyphs one is for mac only, but I don't know that that neccesarily denotes that that's the one and only button macs should push.

Mine is a non-mac, so I click the "true type"

I then go to the control panel and open the "fonts" folder that is contained therein.

I open up in a separate window my "downloads" folder and find my "fractures" folder and open that up. I pull out the "fractures" font itself and drag that into that "font" folder that I mentioned earlier.

And then I try it out in a word processing program
Comment by OsyenVyeter 21st october 2014
So: abridged directions:
1: click "download" and then click "true type" or "glyph file" idk which

2: Open up your "downloads" inside that is your "fractures" file, in that is your "fractures" font (you'll need that)

3: open your control panel and in that should be your computer's fonts folders. Put "fractures" in there.

4: go to a word processing program and see if its available for you.
Comment by OsyenVyeter 21st october 2014
sorry. one other thing. After clicking "glyphs" or "true type" there might be a bar at the bottom giving you the option to "open" or "save". click Save.
Comment by OsyenVyeter 21st october 2014
Yeah thanks all sorted now.
Comment by Jessewebb 26th october 2014

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