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Atempt at recreating Avant Garde. *last change: changed the spacing, to match the new alternate style.


Very cleanly done! I think that's as close to Avante Garde as you can get in FontStruct. Nice attention to detail with the accents, in particular the cedilla and lowercase eth, as well as the accurate Euro symbol.
Comment by geneus1 28th june 2008
Superb work taking advantage of the the half-angle bricks. Giving this a quick look over, it looks like the capital X should use 45 degree bricks, since V and W are so wide by comparison. That ampersand is flawless. You've obviously mastered the art of working with the angles.
Comment by nemoorange 29th june 2008
I know there is still some changes to be done on some characters. the lack of some bricks mainly another diagonal degree would solve lots of issues, but these new bricks really pushed what can be achieved with Fontstruct and this was more an exercise to see what could be done with them.
Comment by eskema 29th june 2008
I like your font so much. I am going to give it a excellent rating
Comment by JH34 6th july 2008
Eskema. On FontShop, i found a version of Avant Garde which had Latin Extended A characters and the
lowercase f with hook in Latin Extended B as well as other features.
Comment by JH34 1st september 2008
JH34, there are some missing characters from the original Avant Garde for sure, it has 259 characters and I only did 206. I'll probably do the complete set in time
Comment by eskema 1st september 2008
This is incredible! I know the spacing on this must be a nightmare but I think the o and maybe a few other round chars could do with a bit less.
Comment by Stelios Constantinides (sconstantinides) 15th march 2009
Esta também está excelente!
Só um pequeno detalhe: modifica o espaço no caractere destinado ao espaço entre letras “space”, senão as palavras ficam todas pegadas.
Comment by jmarquez 24th april 2009
esta ainda é do tempo que não havia controlo de espaço... :) quando tiver tempo faço-lhe um update
Comment by eskema 26th april 2009
Formas limpas, elegantes. Olhadas muito boas, com o espaçamento relaxado. 10/10
Comment by Frodo7 6th september 2009
It looks very promising. Yet I was unable to extract thefont from the rar file. Downloaded twice, 'file doesn't appear to be a valid font' or similiar; either way, corrupted file; anything you can do about it?
Comment by remerer 7th january 2010
Wow, a hidden gem!
Comment by cablecomputer 23rd june 2012

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