Bionicle Font

by Kirby3

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This is the Matoran writing from the Bionicle series.


Congratulations to your first font on FS. This Matoran alphabet looks good, certainly legible enough for the Mata Nui folks. But for us, humans the circles are a bit rugged. Fontstruct is capable to yield better curves, should you try a bit harder.
Comment by Frodo7 27th may 2010
@FRODO 7 and Kirby3 :I did not know this amazing alphabet. I found a non fontstruct font named "Matoran" with real circles, so we already have it elsewhere, and better "circled" than could any fontstruction, just to say i think your rough version of it gives it a charm you could loose, trying to refine it.
Comment by Abneurone Fluid Types 27th may 2010
Just give the html page where I found the non fontstruct matoran font :
Comment by Abneurone Fluid Types 27th may 2010
Yeah, you guys are right. I do think I could have done better with circles, but I'm not quite sure how to do that. I guess I'll just practice. Thank you!
Comment by Kirby3 29th may 2010
Ah ... those difficult FS circles and curves. Don't give up; especially now that FS 2.0 gives us the ability to create intermediate angles. I am still in the process of experimenting to get a better circle myself :)
Comment by p2pnut 30th may 2010
I also did a little experiment on how FS 2.0 can improve bezier fakes. Here's the best circle I ended up with. Obviously not perfect, but easy to do, and no 1/3 stacks that would force you to to 3 successive bricks with the same angle.

By the way: How about a little challenge about who gets the most accurate circle/curve? Fontstructing is one of the few areas where I 100% believe that competition brings out the best in everyone... ;)
Comment by Tobias Sommer (shasta) 30th may 2010
@shasta: Do we win anything? ;-) I'm working on it. Maybe after your finals.

@Kirby3: The way you've built this with rugged curves can easily befit a grunge version. Practice using the new composite bricks function to get the smoothest curves. I'll be releasing a basic tutorial soon.
Comment by geneus1 31st may 2010
I am glad I already downloaded your charming rough circles versiong (frankly, there's the same with real cicles elsewhere), cause i can smell its disappearing perfume
Comment by Abneurone Fluid Types 31st may 2010
Nice one!

I don't care what others say, this font adds that hand drawn Matoran writing I was looking for. Thanks Man!
Comment by PenZog 14th june 2010

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