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Very elegant and quite readable (weak letters are G J K L R).
(BTW I really like your approach to FontStruct by working on a small grid scale)
I would change a few bricks here and there, but I don't want to be pedantic, so I keep it for myself. :)
Funk_king: Thanks for your notice: all letters are on the correct baseline now so all should be ok..
Em42: I had corrected something in lower and uppercase and I think,thats my fontstructed "Neogeo" is better now ..Pedantism in graphic design is very important thing...:D
Erick_Brandt: We will see,but I hope all will be ok in future..I'm still preparing my portfoilio for studies...btw: where are you from,brother? U've got amazing works :))
You made by yourself almost all the corrections I had in mind, except for the G (a square brick in the upper right corner, like the C?) and j (flip it vertically and add a rounded brick in the lower right corner?).
You see, I could not resist. :)
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