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A - happy
B - sad
C - all smiles
D - busted
E - surprised
F - hungry
G - happy skull
H - love and kisses
I - sticking out tongue
J - need to investigate
K - speechless
L - foggy / clueless
M - angry pirate - time to plunder
N - happy pirate - after plundering
O - happy boss
P - unhappy boss
Q - pissed boss
R - cool
S - way cool
T - not so cool
U - stoned
V - fried
W - totally wasted
X - happy angel
Y - sad angel
Z - happy devil
a - mad devil
b - sad
c - very sad
d - monster
e - wink
f - iron man
g - don't worry, be happy
h - money
i - happy cyclops
j - speechless cyclops
k - unhappy cyclops
l - waking up
m - going to sleep
n - sleeping
o - lord voldemort
p - eyes looking lower left
q - eyes looking lover right
r - eyes looking upper right
s - eyes looking upper left
t - crossed-eyes
u - eyes looking left
v - eyes looking right
w - cock-eyed
x - pacman
y - ms pacman
z - ghost
1 - see no evil
2 - hear no evil
3 - speak no evil
I hope the family grows even bigger.
Awesome emoticons: the cyclops & pacman rule!
Nice Wazowski btw, Frodo7
PS: I'm just curious why did you changed your avatar? The old one was so good.
I'd be honoured to take part in a collaboration, if I may.
i'm actually suprised that x, y, z, are pac-man characters. but your font is good.
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