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Rogue is a semi-upright slab-serif font. My first ever project to use ×2 Brick size filter.


This originally started out as an attempt to recreate Anonoma Less Characters. But then, things took a turn and Rogue was born.

The reason I made the font "Semi-upright" was because bold upright serifs (at least to me) tend to look cool and stylish. Though, I still wanted to keep the sense of roman serif in the font. So the a, g and u are roman. The style of v, w, x, y, z in most italic serifs look too obscure and grotesque for my design, so those are all roman with y being the only exception. Basically, a mix between upright and roman.


I have plans to expand the project into supporting Greek and Cyrillic as well as provide alternative glyphs for the font.


Of course, the font has imperfections here and there. Comments for improvements or feedbacks are all welcome.

That's all I had to say.


Comment by Catterio Sylt (Catterio) Sun, 31st december
Comment by Catterio Sylt (Catterio) Sun, 31st december
Comment by Catterio Sylt (Catterio) Sun, 31st december
Comment by Catterio Sylt (Catterio) Sun, 31st december

I have to say, this is beautiful, even the Vietnamese diacritical marks are perfect on this. I wish I could rate above 10 with this one.

Comment by Kiên Trung (trungdangTrung Kiên) Sun, 31st december

Guess what, I just took a look at your fonts, you are a hidden gem, @Catterio. Why don't I know about this account till now?

Comment by Kiên Trung (trungdangTrung Kiên) Sun, 31st december

@trungdangTrung Kiên Well that was awkward. I've only started doing these kinds of projects just recently. All I used to do was making a bunch of meaningless pixel fonts. But I wanted to be someone special, so I began making "real" fonts (by that I mean non-pixel fonts) as an attempt to rack up some reputation for not being just an ordinary and boring Fonstructor. Will I stay being unrecognized? Maybe. But only time will tell.

Anyways, thanks Kiên Trung, and happy 2024!

Comment by Catterio Sylt (Catterio) Sun, 31st december

Very nice contribution.

Comment by Sed4tives Sun, 31st december

I'm with the boys!

Comment by elmoyenique Sun, 31st december

@Sed4tives @elmoyenique thanks! Never knew FS legends would ever comment on my Fontstruction. You made my year.

Though, how do you think of the kerning? I'm very new to kerning serifs and I think some letters aren't properly or correctly kerned.

Comment by Catterio Sylt (Catterio) Sun, 31st december

Well, this font puts u right up there along us pal, seriously! 😉

Comment by Sed4tives Sun, 31st december

@Catterio Sylt (Catterio) - "All I used to do was making a bunch of meaningless pixel fonts."  Hey, now !!!  EVERY Pixel Font is meaningful !  ;^)

Comment by Goatmeal Sun, 31st december

@Catterio Sylt (Catterio) - Wonderful design here, BTW.  Congratulations!  :^)

Comment by Goatmeal Sun, 31st december

Amazing font, really great execution! Hope cyrillic will be soon.

Comment by moontr3 Sun, 31st december

Jesus... Catterio, normally a pixel font maker, dropped this absolute banger for us. Nice work pal.

Comment by frongile Mon, 1st january

Wait a minute, are you a Vietnamese person? (because I am, and I can see that you came from HCMC). Nếu bạn có thể hiểu phần này trong bình luận của mình thì bạn có thể trả lời mình bằng Tiếng Việt để mình biết được không?

Comment by Kiên Trung (trungdangTrung Kiên) Sun, 21st january

@Kiên Trung Ồ, xin lỗi vì đã rep trễ nha bạn ! :)

Comment by Catterio Sylt (Catterio) Tue, 6th february

@Catterio Sylt (Catterio): Cơ mà anh làm font được như này, anh chắc phải dành nhiều thời gian lắm nhỉ, em (lớp 11) thì chẳng có nhiều lắm, nên là em kiểu...cố tạo font làm sao cho nó đẹp mà đơn giản. Không biết anh đã dành nhiêu lâu để làm ra "chiếc" font đỉnk kao được vậy nhỉ?

Comment by Kiên Trung (trungdangTrung Kiên) Wed, 7th february

@Kiên Trung: Perhaps Catterio is not so new here and has practiced fonts that he has not published or has done so with another account, because -as you see- there is good work with the bricks that was not common in his previous (much of them pixelated) fonts. It's just talking for the sake of talking.

Comment by elmoyenique Wed, 7th february

His work is what is worth it.

Comment by elmoyenique Wed, 7th february

@Kiên Trung (trungdangTrung Kiên): Nói thiệt thì mình vẫn chưa tự hào với cái phong này lắm đâu. Mình còn thấy mình cần cải thiện nhiều lắm. Mà mình nghĩ ta nên rep với nhau bằng mình-bạn đi cho quen thuộc, anh-em nghe kỳ lắm..!

@elmoyenique: I'll be honest. I am new. This project is essentially just an "experiment" with the basics of the 2x brick filters that I've just learnt. The success led me to experiment more. Following that, I made what-would-be Latern Sans, but it failed. I wasn't happy with the results, so I published my findings as DISCONTINUED1. Recently, I stopped experimenting as much, I currently have no ideas. Looking back, I don't think I'll be creating more "good" Fontstructions like Rogue any time soon (of course, this may change). By the way, no, I did not create other accounts.

Comment by Catterio Sylt (Catterio) Fri, 9th february

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