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    Created on 27th August 2021. Last edited on 28th August 2021.
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Cool font you got there.

Comment by nmiapeh 27th august 2021

I created this font from scratch, I used the font from the old Apple ][ Apple computer as a base. The original font that I use as a base is called Print Char 21 and is easily found in a quick internet search.
I just put in just the normal characters, because if I were to also make the private characters found in Apple's Print Char 21 font ][ it would be a terrible job, I have no idea how many characters the original font has. But this font was left with 466 characters.
After finishing the construction of the font and downloading it I noticed that there were some errors that went unnoticed: the character "v" was like "u", and other errors in other characters, but I fixed all these errors in this revision.
I plan to add more characters to this font in the future, all of which are possible to add in 7x8 pixel characters which is the format used by Apple ][.

Comment by vlad.dracul.lv@gmail.com.br 28th august 2021

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