
by SkySonic

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I wanted to do a really good hieroglyphic font, one that had the correct symbols for each sound, and had all the numbers. I also wanted it to be able to do cartouches. I finally finished it.


If you don't know what a cartouche is, it is a stylized circle around names.

Everything in the shift key is used for making cartouches, it is the same as regular except for the line above and bellow which connects to the parentheses to make the cartouche. (the double lines could be used as tombstone line spacing if you would like but then you could not use cartouches as well)

Sometimes short glyphs are written on top of one another if they are after one another. For that reason I made that possible as well:

[ is at
] is an
\ is al
; is cr
' is nt
, is ll
. is ff
/ is tt

And their shifts are for cartouches. Here is how you would write the words "my name is Jeffrey" using this font: my name is (JE>REY)

*Note: You may need to put 4 spaces at the beginning of each cartouche

Numbers are also possible with this font. Use the shift key with the numbers to get higher numbers:

! is 10
@ is 20
# is used in combination with @ to make 30 through 90
$ is 100
% is 200
^ is used in combination with % to make 300 to 900
& is 1000

so the number 1776 would be &^%%%#@@@6 and the number 2011 would be &&!1

The font can also do
- is sh
= is ch
` is Ankh (the glyph for life)
~ is Ra (the sun glyph)

So this font can do a lot, have fun with it.
Comment by SkySonic 20th august 2011
Hi, I sent you a message.
Comment by ExtremeFontMaker 20th august 2011
A comprehensive set of hieroglyphs, cleverly designed for optimum use. 10/10
Comment by p2pnut 20th august 2011

wow, better than mine!

Comment by Enderboygamer 23rd november 2018