
by DrTechDaddy
Cloned from Circles by faunlove.

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These glyphs are intended for producing simplified sheet music for beginning songs and exercises. Scores can be created in text mode with spreadsheet or word processing software. This set is designed for alternative notations such as modified PianoRoll or KlavarSkribo, using a 12-position grand staff (7-5 or 6-6) , with the staff lines running vertically down the page, the pitches spread across. Version 1 provides note heads with finger numbers and some markings for accent, staccato, and rests. Digits 1 2 3 4 5 create solid (black) noteheads with corresponding finger numbers for the right hand (stems right). Digits 6 7 8 9 0 create the notes for left-hand fingers 5 4 3 2 1 (stems left). The capital letters Q W E R T (RH) and Y U I O P (LH) create corresponding hollow noteheads (white). Noteheads are 7 squares wide leaving 1 square between for staff lines. Comma and vertical bar | provides fractional spacing to align noteheads on 1/2 width boundaries; Staff lines are entered with brackets and bars. Square brackets [ and ] provide (unoccupied) staff lines (light and dark); Curly braces { and } provide corresponding staff line segments above/below a notehead on the line. For further information, see my MusicBlog at development. (This is my first attempt; I think I've learned some lessons and am working on "better" versions, but thought I'd post this as an example in case some others want to try similar experiments. Your comments are appreciated.)


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