Threethree Phunk Rounded

by david t

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This is a quick font done in the style of "phunk" ansi art from the 1990s. Obviously there were no rounded corners in ansi but style-wise, it's pretty close I think. And it looks to me like a relatively "usable" font (in real life terms), other than the fact that it's not very readable. Oh well. Other than that, the font features lots of "special" characters (diacritics etc.), & text figures (aka old-style numerals), which is kind of silly since nobody in their right mind would compose an entire paragraph in this font. But there you have it.


I think this one has some real potential. There's a few characters that could do with a little revision, but it's a great set overall.

Maybe consider a different approach to the D in order to avoid using the 45° brick, perhaps the U, u, V and v could also be reworked to get around the same issue.

Otherwise, it's a great bunch of characters with some really interesting solutions to the limitations you've set yourself.

Despite my suggestions for improval, it definitely gets a 10
Comment by chr.s 18th january 2010
thanks for the comments chr.s. the D, V, etc. are tricky, as you point out. with just rounded characters, they tend to look completely illegible. i thought a practical solution would be better, even if it broke the "system". but i'll keep working on it, there's definitely lots of fun things to do with this scheme.
Comment by david t 19th january 2010

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