by Sed4tives

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- Okay, this requires a little bit of heads-on info first, to prevent any misunderstanding.

It's a attempt to struct the (I think) pretty well known typeface

"Cyber Monkey"

by none other than Fontspring founder & Fonthead Design Inc.'s:

- Ethan Dunham.

The original typeface by Ethan has been around quite some time and has been used a lot over the years in various of my design projects.

The original Cyber Monkey digital typeface by Dunham was commercially published back in 1998 by Fonthead Design and can still be purchased online via multiple font shops.

My fontstruction, despite its notable clear resemblances is by no means meant to commercially violate or abuse the original intellectual property of Dunham. 

About Cyber Wolf (my fontstruction)

Actually it came into existance when I was fooling around in the editor and was building some ideas on chord-like letters. (And since I dont know a lot of typefaces in this style)  I soon realized that through most of the time I kept on structing letters that I could sort of remember from Ethan's typeface. so I tried working from that point out to guide, but absolutely did not lead anywhere. lol

So I decided to quit the whole idea and turned the project into a fontstruction that heavily copied Ethan's Cyber Monker typeface to begin with!

It's not a real recap or accurate copy of the original, but does show striking similarities.

Enjoy none the less!

1 Comment

The original Cyber Monkey typeface can be found and purchased here:

- MyFonts

- Fontspring

Comment by Sed4tives 5th august 2018

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