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This is a font to write in the Eriseci Alphabet ( I created it to the best of my ability based on the handwritten form shown on the website. I have made many changes to extend the use of this alphabet (on account it is one of my favorites and I would like everything to be compatible with it). If I offend anyone by doing so, I apologize, my intention was only to innovate an already awesome script.

My apologies about the tails beneath some of the letters. When writing it is possible they may cross one another or cross a line of another character. Unless I were to make the font vastly more complex, this is an issue that cannot be fixed.


- For a high Tedo (dot above), use [ (for letters with heightened end line)

- For a low Tedo (dot below, use ] (for letters with lowered end line)

- For a standard upper Tedo (dot above), use >

- For a standard lower Tedo (dot below), use <

- I have created numerals for Eriseci, I based them identically off of Atemayar numerals, however, I have made them compatible to comply with the Eriseci rule to have no spaces

- I added the following punctuation: comma, semicolon, colon, quotation marks, question mark, exclamation point, dash/hyphen/minus sign, underscore, plus sign, left and right parenthesis, ampersand, dollar sign, percent sign, forward slash, backwards slash, equals sign, number/pound sign, at symbol, tilde, and vertical line

- For incidating the beginning of a line symbol, use {

- For indicating the end of a line symbol, use }

- Avoid using space after any and all punctuations, the two conflict, only use spaces before a period, comma, exclamation point, or question mark

- The Tedo symbol is not necessary on top of #, _, -, (, ), /, \, $, or %, nor any numerals. Each of these characters are different enough they cannot be confused with other letters

- I have also added the following latin accented letters: Ãã, Åå, Čč, Ðð, Ďď, Ěě, Łł, Ňň, Øø, Õõ, Řř, Šš, Ťť, Ùù, Ýý, Žž

- The space is indicated by two dots, one above one below. Pressing the space bar will provide you with two dots, one heightened and one lowered. If you would like to have a space indicated by dots closer to the letter (as is alphabetically intended), please use [, ], <, and > to indicate so

I hope you enjoy this font as much as I do!

Comment by bry_guy27 4th august 2017

I cannot believe you actually made a font for my language! This is incredible. :D Thank you so so much!

Comment by bkvodhr 23rd may 2018

It was no problem, I should thank you for making such an elegant script

Comment by bry_guy27 23rd may 2018

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