Plaenee - Block

by Secte

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The designer of this FontStruction has chosen not to make it available for download from this website by choosing an “All Rights Reserved" license.

Please respect their decision and desist from requesting license changes in the comments.

If you would like to use the FontStruction for a specific project, you may be able to contact the designer directly about obtaining a license.

[This is a fictional font for a fictional language that I created. You may use the font as you please, but don't change it or use it for commercial purposes. If I find out that this font was used for commercial purposes without my knowledge or was changed in any sort of way, I will take legal action.]

The Plaenee (English: pl-uh-ni, Plaenee Pronounciation: Pl-ei-ni) was a language created in 2003 by a French immigrant who felt the area she moved to (Pine Plains) need more culture. To boost the culture, she offered a language that would end up being spoken by about 2,500 people. The language was spread as far as Poughkeepsie, New York. Due to the decreasing population of Pine Plains, the language is surviving by a tiny thread and a small margin of hope.

[Creator of this font: Theodore Eagleson Secor



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