This is a clone of A Horrible Strain on the Serverelevator
This is a clone of Pixel Sanscircle
This is a clone of Pixel SansSmall Code is a grotesk monospaced font that is designed to include a variety of languages encoded in the BMP and SMP.
It also has a variety of letters in the PUA, such as capital versions of most Latin letters without capitals, characters for Latin letters not included in the Unicode standard, Swedish Dialect Alphabet compatibility characters, archaic IPA characters, Initial Teaching Alphabet characters, miscellaneous Cyrillic letters, Latin phonetic symbols, Tifinagh combined characters, alternate Latin letters for African languages and Polish, medieval extensions, unencoded and lowercase Roman numerals, unencoded mathematical symbols, numbers, superscripts and subscripts, unencoded control symbols, combining numbers, Unifon, unencoded fractions, IMFI forms of Arabic letters not encoded in Arabic Presentation Forms-A and -B, IMFI forms for Adlam, Powerline symbols, and coding ligatures.
This is my largest font yet!
This font has risen up to #5 on character count!
UPDATE: This font has fallen back to #8. :(
UPDATE 2: In the PUA, the upcoming Myanmar Extended-C block and Tai Khamti digits.
This font has extensions listed here:
Small Code PUA: https://fontstruct.com/fontstructions/show/2268345/small-code-pua
This is the Plane F font of the GS Unicode 2.0 font series. I've split this font up by plane since font files have a technical limit of 65,535 glyphs.
This font will be made up of U+0020 and U+F0000~U+FFFFD, which add up to exactly 65,535 code points.
Things that are planned but not (fully) implemented yet are italicized.
Links to planes (I'll most likely be posting updates related to this series as a whole in the Plane 0 font):
Plane 0: here
Plane 1: here
Plane 2
Plane 3
(No Unicode characters exist in Planes 4 through D as of U15.0)
Plane E: here
Plane F: [THIS FONT]
Plane 10: here
PUA assignments:
F0000~F0E6F - Kinya Syllables
F0E70~F16AF - Pikto
F16B0~F16DF - Derani
F16E0~F16FF - <reserved for future (U)CSUR allocations>
F1700~F18FF - Semtog
F1900~F19FF - sitelen pona
F1A00~F1AFF - <reserved for future (U)CSUR allocations>
F1B00~F1C3F - Shidinn
F1C40~F1FFF - <reserved for future (U)CSUR allocations>
F2000~F23FF - canIPA Extensions
F2400~F27FF - Phonetic Extensions-1
F2800~F297F - Medievalist Latin Extensions
F2980~F3BFF - Latin Extended-2
F3C00~F3FFF - Phonetic Extensions-2
F4000~F41FF - Greek Extended-2
F4200~F43FF - Cyrillic Extended-2
F4400~F44FF - Georgian Extended-1
F4500~F47FF - Latin Extended-3
F4800~F4AFF - Greek Extended-3
F4B00~F4BFF - Ancient Monograms
F4C00~F4EFF - <unassigned>
F4F00~F4FFF - Arabic Extended-1
F5000~F511F - Voynich
F5120~F513F - Cistercian Cipher
F5140~F51DF - Tironian Notes
F51E0~F51FF - <unassigned>
F5200~F53BF - Pigpen
F53C0~F5DAF - <unassigned>
F5DB0~F5DFF - Kodo Symbols
F5E00~F5FFF - Kamakawi
F6000~F603F - Lakota
F6040~F609F - Nawa
F60A0~F60FF - <unassigned>
F6100~F627F - Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics Extended-1
F6280~F7FFF - <unassigned>
F8000~F81FF - Sylabica Extended-1
F8200~F86AF - Niji Syllables
F86B0~F88FF - Gem Language
F8900~FAFFF - <unassigned>
FB000~FB07F - Djenpa
FB080~FB0FF - <reserved for Oneiric Conscripts>
FB100~FB17F - Vinhorai
FB180~FB1FF - Sirboan
FB200~FB27F - Xiphosee
FB280~FB2FF - Minirasse [Mi,ni,rasse]
FB300~FB37F - Anemoian
FB380~FB3FF - Nihilezhxa
FB400~FB47F - Aa-Infinitio
FB480~FB4FF - Kaioloko [Kaiöloko]
FB500~FB9FF - <reserved for Oneiric Conscripts>
FBA00~FBA7F - Xiphosee Cursive
FBA80~FBFFF - <reserved for Oneiric Conscripts>
FC000~FC01F - Kanamit
FC020~FC04F - UUFO [U.U.F.O.]
FC050~FC08F - Kaotican
FC090~FC0BF - Mirror Text
FC0C0~FC0EF - Auroran
FC0F0~FC11F - Aquamarine
FC120~FC14F - Q-Block
FC150~FC17F - Supersolar
FC180~FC1AF - Voltik
FC1B0~FC1DF - Bloom
FC1E0~FC20F - Spheric
FC210~FC23F - EL [E.L.]
FC240~FC26F - Infinitum
FC270~FC29F - Coloraturan
FC2A0~FCFFF - <unassigned>
FD000~FD07F - Muric
FD080~FD09F - Plutonian
FD0A0~FD0FF - Gyorsrovas
FD100~FD14F - Bostani
FD150~FD1AF - New Mong
FD1B0~FD1EF - New Akha
FD1F0~FD22F - Akkhara Muni
FD230~FD25F - New Maori
FD0A0~FDEFF - <unassigned>
FDF00~FDFFF - <reserved for merrybot_v2>
FE000~FE01F - Raichi-1
FE020~FE02F - Raichi-2
FE030~FE06F - Orange Sheet Ideographs
FE070~FE08F - A20
FE090~FE0CF - Aereian
FE0D0~FE10F - A56
FE110~FE15F - Pargy
FE160~FE17F - Early Gerudo
FE180~FE19F - Modifier Tone Letters Extended-1
FE1A0~FE1BF - Combining Diacritical Marks Extended-2
FE1C0~FE1FF - <reserved for Erictom333>
FE200~FE3FF - Yoshiese Ideographs
FE400~FE41F - Minecraftian Supplement
FE420~FE6FF - Minecraftian
FE700~FE77F - Hylian
FE780~FE79F - Gerudo
FE7A0~FE7DF - Gerudo Presentation Forms
FE7E0~FE7FF - L8
FE800~FE87F - Legend of Zelda Symbols
FE880~FE8BF - Super Smash Bros Symbols [Super Smash Bros. Symbols]
FE8C0~FE8FF - Fantendo Smash Bros Symbols [Fantendo Smash Bros. Symbols]
FE900~FE93F - Mathematical Symbols Extended-1
FE940~FE9BF - Symbols and Punctuation Extended-2
FE9C0~FE9FF - Number Forms Extended-2
FEA00~FEB3F - Hylian Extended-1
FEB40~FEB4F - Gerudo Extended-1
FEB50~FEB5F - Gerudo Presentation Forms Extended-1
FEB60~FEB8F - Sheikah
FEB90~FEBAF - Legend of Zelda Symbols Extended-1
FEBB0~FEBCF - Super Smash Bros Symbols Extended-1 [Super Smash Bros. Symbols Extended-1]
FEBD0~FEBFF - <reserved for Erictom333>
FEC00~FEC0F - Gothic Extended-1
FEC10~FEC3F - Arabic Extended-2
FEC40~FECBF - <reserved for Erictom333>
FECC0~FECFF - Cyrillic Extended-3
FED00~FED5F - Tatar
FED60~FED7F - <reserved for Erictom333>
FED80~FEDAF - Script Gerudo
FEDB0~FEDFF - Script Gerudo Presentation Forms
FEE00~FEEFF - Mitrata Lipi
FEF00~FEF3F - Featural Minecraftian
FEF40~FEF9F - African Transitional
FEFA0~FEFFF - <reserved for Erictom333>
FF000~FF05F - Vexillology Symbols
FF060~FF0FF - Miscellaneous Technical Extended-1
FF100~FF16F - Control Pictures Extended-1
FF170~FF1FF - Segmented Display Patterns
FF200~FF27F - Number Forms Extended-3
FF280~FF28F - Dozenite Numerals
FF290~FF29F - Camp Duodecimal Numerals
FF2A0~FF2AF - Bibi-Binary Numerals
FF2B0~FF2BF - <unassigned>
FF2C0~FF2FF - Marian Sexagesimal Numerals
FF300~FF3FF - Block Elements Extended-1
FF400~FF5BF - Box Drawing Extended-1
FF5C0~FF5FF - Supplemental Arrows-1
FF600~FF6FF - Hex Byte Pictures
FF700~FF9FF - Control Pictures Extended-2
FFA00~FFABF - Miscellaneous Astronomical and Astrological Symbols
FFAC0~FFBFF - Chess Symbols Extended-1
FFC00~FFDFF - <unassigned>
FFE00~FFE1F - Adobe Compatibility Forms
FFE20~FFEFF - Apple Compatibility Forms
FFF00~FFFEF - Fragments
FFFF0~FFFFF - Plane F Specials
Additional PUA assignments can be found in the Plane 0 and (eventually) 10 fonts.
Feel free to recommend PUA assignments, though if it's a smaller block (i.e. ~256 characters or fewer), I might recommend the BMP PUA.
Also, it's more than likely I won't know every script well enough that there won't be any mistakes. If/when I make a mistake, please tell me and I'll do my best to fix it!
The first version was made in less than 20 mins!
Currently has 17656 glyphs and counting!
Latest Update: Added Non-binary Symbol
All standard 480 Argam are supported.
Pro tip for Myanmar: Use ေ and ႄ before a consonant to get the optimal vowel placement.
Pro tip for Devanagari: Use ि and ॎ before a consonant to get the optimal vowel placement.
anything goes in this book-style pixel font. it is for secret project.
maximum of 11 pixels tall (plus 3 px descender below)
[1.7d] Still working on CJK and Hangul. Still not even halfway there!!!
[beta 1.7c] More CJK, Aboriginal Canadian Syllabics, Bengali
[beta 1.7b] More CJK but still not nearly enough
[beta 1.7a] I found a stray pixel which stretched the font two pixels too high. It's gone now.
[beta 1.7] ??? stuff? korean jamo, like 0.3% more of the CJK, Greek Extended, and one of the East Asian scripts (the name I forgot :<)
[beta 1.6d] assorted CJK and symbols
[beta 1.6c] devanagari (hindi script), thai
[beta 1.6b] thai and other junks. some characters improved
Again, useful for hiding things.
This is a clone of B1 PasswordAlso useful for hiding things.
This is a clone of B1 PasswordGS Unicode is a project I worked on over the course of several years so (almost) all languages get support! With 14,564 non-spacing characters, this font is finished (as of Unicode 13.0, and as of FS's pre-July 2021 glyph inventory). Please tell me if some of the characters aren't working. I'll try to fix them as best as I can!
This font will no longer be updated except in the case of fixing errors. I'm now working on GS Unicode 2.0, a non-pixelated(!) font that uses FS's current (all of Unicode!) glyph inventory, and is set to take much, much longer....
...so I'll see y'all on the other side~
What if GS Unicode wasn't just made of pixels? What if it had a better, more appealing width/height ratio? What if it utilized the new FS inventory? And what if I wasn't way too ambitious/crazy in making this? No idea, but I'm eager to find out!
I've split this font series up by plane since font files have a technical limit of 65,535 glyphs.
Things that are planned but not (fully) implemented yet are italicized.
This font (Plane 0) should also serve as the hub for most major updates (like those relating to the series as a whole).
Links to planes:
Plane 0: [THIS FONT]
Plane 1: here
Plane 2
Plane 3
(No Unicode characters exist in Planes 4 through D as of U15.0)
Plane E: here
Plane F: here
Plane 10: here
PUA assignments:
E000~E07F - Tengwar
E080~E0FF - Cirth
E100~E14F - Engsvanyali [Engsvanyáli]
E150~E1AF - Kinya
E1B0~E1CF - Ilianore
E1D0~E1FF - Syai
E200~E26F - Verdurian
E270~E28F - aUI
E290~E2BF - Amman-Iar
E2C0~E2CF - Streich
E2D0~E2FF - Xaini [Xaîni]
E300~E33F - Mizarian
E340~E35F - Zirinka [Zírí:nka]
E360~E37F - Sarkai
E380~E3AF - Thelwik
E3B0~E3FF - Olaetyan
E400~E42F - Niskloz [Nísklôz]
E430~E44F - Kazat Akkorou [Kazat ?Akkorou]
E450~E46F - Kazvarad
E470~E48F - Zarkhand [Zarkhánd]
E490~E4BF - Rozhxh [Røzhxh]
E4C0~E4EF - Serivelna
E4F0~E4FF - Kelwathi
E500~E51F - Saklor
E520~E54F - Rynnan
E550~E57F - Alzetjan
E580~E59F - Telarasso
E5A0~E5BF - Ssuraki [Ssûraki]
E5C0~E5DF - Gargoyle
E5E0~E5FF - Ophidian
E600~E62F - Ferengi
E630~E64F - Seussian Latin Extensions
E650~E67F - Sylabica
E680~E6CF - Ewellic
E6D0~E6EF - Amlin
E6F0~E73F - Unifon Extended-1
E740~E76F - Unifon
E770~E77F - Solresol
E780~E7FF - Visible Speech
E800~E82F - Monofon
E830~E88F - Dni [D'ni]
E890~E8DF - Aurebesh
E8E0~E8FF - Tonal
E900~E97F - Glaitha-A
E980~E9FF - Glaitha-B
EA00~EA9F - Lhenazi
EAA0~EAFF - Wanya
EB00~EB3F - Orokin
EB40~EB5F - Standard Galactic
EB60~EB9F - Braille Extended-1
EBA0~EBDF - Cistercian Numerals
EBE0~EBEF - Lapointe Hexadecimal Numerals
EBF0~EBFF - Martin Hexadecimal Numerals
EC00~EC2F - Cylenian
EC30~EC6F - Syrrin
EC70~ECEF - Graflect
ECF0~ECFF - Whitaker Hexadecimal Numerals
ED00~ED3F - Deini
ED40~ED7F - Niji
ED80~EDAF - Iranic
EDB0~EDDF - Tassarunese
EDE0~EDEF - Zese
EDF0~EDFF - Grawlixes
EE00~EEFF - <unassigned>
EF80~F2FF - Latin Extended-1
F300~F3FF - Combining Diacritical Marks Extended-1
F400~F4BF - Symbols and Punctuation Extended-1
F4C0~F4EF - Ath
F4F0~F4FF - Number Forms Extended-1
F500~F5FF - Greek Extended-1
F600~F6FF - Cyrillic Extended-1
F700~F71F - Hebrew Extended-1
F720~F7BF - <unassigned>
F7C0~F7FF - Kana Extended-1
F800~F87F - Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows Extended-1
F880~F89F - Font Specifics
F8A0~F8CF - Aiha [Aiha (Kesh)]
F8D0~F8FF - Klingon
Additional PUA assignments can be found in the Plane F and 10 fonts.
Feel free to recommend PUA assignments!
Also, it's more than likely I won't know every script well enough that there won't be any mistakes. If/when I make a mistake, please tell me and I'll do my best to fix it!
The Official Level Font, supporting glyphs from many Unicode blocks, including several alternate glyphs
Font covers many BMP and SMP glyphs as well as many symbols (Inlcuding partial Emoji coverage)
The Unicode bitmap font from Minecraft, also known as GNU Unifont. The game has a font priority system called "providers" that looks for bitmap data for a specific character in the non-Latin European character set first, then in the accented Latin character set, then in the game's low-res default font, then finally here, in the high-res Unicode character set. You can override this priority system by going into Options... > Language..., then setting "Force Unicode Font" to ON.
The game stores this font in images containing 16 rows and 16 columns of characters. Each character is 16 pixels wide and 16 pixels tall, totalling 256 characters per image. Each image represents one Unicode codepage, and there are 256 pages, which covers characters U+0000 to U+FFFF. Control characters and most CJK characters are omitted here, because FontStruct doesn't officially support them.
The font is not monospace, however, so the effective widths of each character are stored in a separate file called glyph_sizes.bin. Information for each character is stored in one byte, and the upper and lower 4 bits of this byte represent the start column and end column with a number ranging from 0 to 15, where 0 is the leftmost column of the character's allotted 16x16 space, and 15 is the rightmost column, respectively.
Knowing all of this allowed me to automate most of the steps involved in creating this recreation. I did not use the FontStructor to make this, I instead used a program to directly interact with FontStruct's API. It is possible to add unsupported characters to a font with this method, but I chose to stay within the limits of what is officially supported.
Already 까 in my syllables
This is a clone of Giga 75blitzelNext - Super 75blitzel - 12000 glyphs
but this font is getting 10k glyphs
This is a clone of Hyper 75blitzelI am going to expand this font. Why not, after all? It is my best work so far.
Basic Latin
Latin Supplement
Latin Extended A
Latin Extended B
Latin Extended Additional
Latin Extended C
Latin Extended D
Latin Extended E
Latin Extended F
Latin Extended G
IPA Extensions
Spacing Modifier Letters
Phonetic Extensions
Phonetic Extensions Supplement
Modifier Tone Letters
Ancient Symbols
Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms (only Latin, Symbols and Katakana)
Cyrillic (Basic)
Cyrillic Supplement
Cyrillic Extended A
Cyrillic Extended B
Cyrillic Extended C
Cyrillic Extended D
(Anbur/Old Permic)
Greek and Coptic
Greek Extended
Ethiopic Supplement
Ethiopic Extended
Ethiopic Extended A
Ethiopic Extended B
Armenian (Would really appreciate feedback)
Georgian Extended
Georgian Supplement
Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllables
Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllables Extended
Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics Extended-A
Cherokee Supplement
Lisu Supplement
Zanabazar Square
Old Italic
Komi/Anbur/Old Permic
Pahawh Hmong
Old South Arabian
Old North Arabian
Glagolitic Extended
Old Turkic
Old Hungarian (Rovásírás)
Kayah Li
Caucasian Albanian
Masaram Gondi
Hangul Jamo
(only modern Hangeul for now, I am desperate for feedback here!)
Hangul Syllables (discontinued)
Hangeul Compatibility Jamo (only modern Hangeul for now)
Katakana Phonetic Extensions
Kana Supplement (only Katakana)
Kana Extended A (only Katakana)
Kana Extended B
Small Kana Extensions (only Katakana)
Bopomofo Extended
Yijing Hexagram Symbols
Vertical Forms
Small Form Variants
Tai Xuan Jing Symbols
Counting Rod Numerals
Enclosed CJK Letters and Months (Only Jamo, Syllables, Latin Characters and months)
CJK Symbols and Punctuation (non-Han) (incomplete)
Combining Diacritical Marks
Combining Diacritical Marks Supplement
Combining Diacritical Marks Extended
Combining Diacritical Marks for Symbols
Combining Half Marks
General Punctuation
Supplemental Punctuation
Alphabetic Presentation Forms
Miscellaneous Symbols (discontinued)
Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs (discontinued)
Supplemental Symbols and Pictographs (only face emojis)
Symbols and Pictographs extended A (only face emojis)
Ornamental Dingbats
Miscellaneous Technical
Currency Symbols
Letterlike Symbols
Supplemental Arrows A
Supplemental Arrows B
Supplemental Arrows C
Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows (non-astrological)
Block Elements
Box Drawings
Geometric Shapes
Geometric Shapes Extended
Superscripts and Subscripts
Enclosed Alphanumeric
Enclosed Alphanumeric Supplement
Control Pictures
Optical Character Recognition
Braille Patterns
Number Forms
Domino Tiles
Common Indic Number Forms
Mayan Numerals
Kaktovik Numerals
Musical Symbols (excl. Iranian, Kievan, and Gregorian notation)
Ancient Greek Musical Notation
Planned in the future:
CJK Symbols and Punctuation?
Mathematical Operators?
Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-A?
Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B?
Supplemental Mathematical Operators?
Warang Citi
Pau Cin Hau
Nyiakeng Puachue Hmong
Symbols for Legacy Computing
Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms (Hangul)
Hangul Jamo (full)
Hangul compatibility Jamo (full)
Hangul Jamo Extended-A?
Hangul Jamo Extended-B?
Those who are interested; My font is still in beta. :3 If you have any requests, I can accept them. I'll make a bold version once I finish the font! (PS: I know, some of the glyohs like brackets or punctuation marks are different. Look at the Supplemental Private Use Area - A!)
Giga 75blitzel - 10000 glyphs
Giga 75blitzel - 10000 glyphs
Super 75blitzel - 12000 glyphs
Omega 75blitzel - 15000 glyphs
Insta 75blitzel - 20000 glyphs
Unknown 75blitzel - 40000 glyphs
Delty 75blitzel - 60k glyphs
Universe 75blitzel - 70k glyphs
Legandary 75blitzel - 100k glyphs
Impossible 75blitzel - 120k glyphs
Finale 75blitzel - All Glyphs + 140K Glyphs
next 150K glyphs
And next
75blitzel italic
next all 75blitzel format / extensions
This is a clone of Ultra 75blitzelNot monospaced, but each letter has the same width
each letter's with is 10
This is a clone of Unicofonte_CCASA Version v8.02_0425Download this font only in Mac
Unicode® 16.0.0
Unicofonte is a sans-serif typeface which is designed by marcot_0425, not_cake, & Sed 4 type foundry for the Fake Bézier curves(geometric shapes only).
Latest update (v7.0.0):
March 3 at 11 a.m.:
Updated Cyrillic Omega Titlo and OT
Updated L with accent marks (especially L with stroke [small] as it looks like a T)
Fixed u0020 (spacebar)
I've updated tone six (looks like a cyrillic hard sign)
I've updated Cyrillic multi-eyed o (10 eyes) and F with stroke (Ua798) (looks like French franc symbol)
Fixed some bugs
Fixed all Latin extensions d character (a7d5) and medival exclamation and quesion mark(2E53-4)
Fixed Thorn with stroke
i used a diagonal brick to make it
Sun 24 Dec:
Today I added latin/greek/cyrillic unicode 16.0 chars
26 Dec 2023:
Better Kerning
Fixed most of the errors that I found
Corbium font,
Version: v3.02
Unicode Version: 16.0
==== Lastest Update ====
Added more characters.
==== Other Versions ====
Fixed Ogham,
More CP & Cyrillic Extended-C
Added Small Form Variants
More Latin, New Lisu, Cyr. Ext, Phags-Pa, Kayah Li, Myanmar Ext, etc.
Download this Font
Only Mac, GNU Linux, Windows n, DELL, Samsung, iPhone, iPad, ASUS and Lenovo!