Published: 12th April, 2011
Last edited: 9th May, 2015
Created: 9th April, 2011
Remember the good old days of home computing? The ZX Spectrum, BBC B, COMMODORE 64 etc. With characters of 8x8 bits - no more, no less...
Published: 7th November, 2009
Last edited: 7th November, 2009
Created: 7th November, 2009
Ruboku's 'Amstrad CPC Extended' was an awesome 8x8 font, but there were two or three minor flaws (strange-looking 'b', too-high 'z' etc.)
I just decided it would be nice to give it a little tweak. Also, now it is 100% fixed-width, which makes it good for coding and ASCII-art as well. Don't bother giving me credit, just give credit to Ruboku. :)This is a clone of Amstrad CPC extended
Published: 30th May, 2009
Last edited: 18th June, 2009
Created: 1st December, 2008
Small 8x8 pixel block font for low-rez applications. Good for display on low resolution CRT displays, for use in games, or on cel phones. Now contains international characters!
Published: 14th October, 2014
Last edited: 7th October, 2014
Created: 7th October, 2014
This font contains a limited subset of characters used for numeric spinner controls of Rhythm Core Alpha 2, the best music creation system for the Nintendo DSi and 3DS game consoles!
Published: 14th October, 2014
Last edited: 13th October, 2014
Created: 6th October, 2014
This is a more rounded version of the Monospaced block font used by Rhythm Core Alpha 2, the best music creation program on the Nintendo DSi and 3DS game consoles!This is a clone of Rhythm Core Alpha 2 Block Font
Published: 30th May, 2010
Last edited: 2nd December, 2010
Created: 30th May, 2010
Variable-width and tweaked version of Simple Pixels.... Still public domain!
I recommend this over Simple Pixels, because it's also got some fixes that have not yet been applied to the original one.This is a clone of Simple Small Pixels
Published: 18th April, 2010
Last edited: 30th May, 2010
Created: 18th April, 2010
A simple 8x8 fixed-width pixelfont. This font is public domain, so you can use it in any way and for any purpose! (ignore the liscence on the page, I'm waivering it)