Recreation of the pixel font from the original Japanese version of Nintendo/Game Freak/Creatures' "Pokémon Silver" (aka "Pocket Monsters Silver", 1999) on the Game Boy Color.
This font is very similar to the one used in "Pokémon Red", but it includes fewer latin characters, and the Katakana Letter Yu "ユ" (U+30E6) and Katakana Letter Ro "ロ" (U+30ED) are subtly different, shifted vertically by one pixel to align their baseline with the other katakana characters.
The tile set includes an incomplete set of latin characters. The arrows are mapped to "Black Up-Pointing Triangle" (U+25B2), "Black Right-Pointing Triangle" (U+25B6), "White Right-Pointing Triangle" (U+25B7), "Black Down-Pointing Triangle" (U+25BC), and "Black Left-Pointing Triangle" (U+25C0). The Japanese Yen "円" character is mapped both to the generic Yen (U+00A5) and the correct CJK unified idiograph (U+5186).
The font includes an almost complete set of hiragana and katakana characters. In the tile set, the dakuten and handakuten are separate tiles, positioned in the line above their respective character. In this recreation, characters that use them are pre-combined into a single glyph.
Lastly, this recreation also includes box drawing characters (U+2554, U+2550, U+2557, U+2551, U+255D, U+255A).
Only the characters present in the game's tile set have been included.
This is a clone of Pokémon Red (JP) (GB)Recreation of the "handwritten" pixel font from Nintendo's "Wario Land II" (1998) on the Game Boy.
This recreation includes the numbers from the more "regular" secondary font.
This recreation uses the special TTF+SVG format, which currently has limited support. For a monochrome version, see this recreation.
Only the characters present in the game's tile set have been included.
This is a clone of Wario Land IIRecreation of the "handwritten" pixel font from Nintendo's "Wario Land II" (1998) on the Game Boy.
This recreation includes the numbers from the more "regular" secondary font.
Only the characters present in the game's tile set have been included.
Recreation of the primary pixel font from Nintendo's "Metroid II: Return of Samus" (1991) on the Game Boy.
This recreation uses the special TTF+SVG format for the subtle antialiasing, which currently has limited support. For a monochrome version, see this recreation.
Only the characters present in the game's tile set have been included.
This is a cloneRecreation of the primary pixel font from Nintendo's "Metroid II: Return of Samus" (1991) on the Nintendo Game Boy.
Only the characters present in the game's tile set have been included.
Recreation of the primary pixel font from Konami's "Kid Dracula" (aka "Akumajō Supesharu: Boku Dorakyura-kun", 1993) on the Nintendo Game Boy. Only the characters present in the game's tile set have been included.