Published: 9th May, 2023
Last edited: 8th May, 2023
Created: 15th April, 2023
When I first saw jonrgrover's Wiggly Wumpus, I told the author my first impressions about the font. After a few days, I finally decided to do it myself, and that's how these glyphs you see were born (thanks for the creative impulse, Jon). Achieving a smooth, sinuous curve has been a bit more laborious than expected, and there are some letters of complicated construction and I'm not 100% happy with the current look of some of those. But here they are, dancing infront of your eyes as if reflected in a fairground mirror. Btw, "Specula risus" (latin) means "Mirror of laughter", that kind of mirrors that visual and comically deforms our bodies... Hope you like them.