Inspired by one of the most favorite Indonesian traditional food 'Bakso'
Its round shape and juicy taste is very special to Indonesian people. Made from steam mixed meat and flour, people in wester usually called it 'Meatball'. But actually they are different. Western people 'Meatball' usually eated with 'Italian' spaghetti. The texture of 'Meatball' is rough and use more beef than the Indonesian one. 'Bakso' eated with glass noodle soup with ketchup and soy sauce. People added some fried and green garlic leaf to add the taste. 'Bakso' has a very low price, you can have it yours for five thousand Indonesian Rupiah or five US Cents only at food corner around...
the typeface was adapted from "nasi pecel" one of traditional food from indonesia. The food consisted of rice and a lot of vegetables. One of the vegetables is bean sprout that taken most of the idea to make this typeface especially the semi script one.
this font is inspired by pangsit mie dwi which is a traditional noodle shop in Siwalankerto-Surabaya. pangsit mie is usually served with chicken and pangsit in a bowl and we usually use chopsticks to eat it. it tastes so freaking good!
this font is based on chicken noodle shape of Depot Keluarga (one of a noodle stall in Surabaya, Indonesia). It has a small curve on its point to describe the elastic characteristic of the noodle. The noodle of Depot Keluarga has a thin size, so that this font has thin enough size too. Your comments and suggestions are welcome :)
I made this typeface with the image of a duck in mind. I used the charasteristic of a duck to make this more duck- like, however it is still far from my expectation and is still very unstable. I greatly encourage any kind of comments. I want to make this better in the future.
This typeface adopted from Gado-Gado. Gado-gado is a deliciously comforting Indonesian mega salad served with crunchy prawn crackers and an incridibly delicious peanut dressing. This typeface look like tofu and circle of egg (bunder buktek-bunter kotak)