Published: 9th November, 2010
Last edited: 9th November, 2010
Created: 5th November, 2010
This typeface has been created based on the theme 'Vibration'. I tried out a wide range of experimentation when it came to producing hand rendered work, as I felt I needed to work out what would best capture the general sense of the word.
I tried using inks on elastic bands, attaching pens to a playstation controller and drawing, photographing food colouring over a speaker; all sorts. Finally, I decided I needed something which really reflected the word clearly. I looked at the white noise and the trails that you get on the television, and applied this feel to a sans serif font I had made based on Georgia (minus the Serifs)
One of the most time comsuming things I've ever done, hope its been worth it.
Any comments welcome.This is a clone