Friendly Geek is the regular version of Friendly Geek Light. Its widths are all 6/6 block rather than 4/6 block. The outlines of the glyphs have generally been left the same, with the insides being filled with 2/6 extra width.
This is a clone of Friendly Geek LightThe 8/6 block thick version
This is a clone of Friendly Geek SemiboldThis is the 7/6 block version. I've been liking this weight for programming at size 8.
Friendly Geek:
Good for...
- Labels
- Upper case
- Code
- Table cells
- Outlines
- Display
- Printing
- Informality
Not Good for...
- Normal Text
- Sentences
- Formality
Sometimes Good, Sometimes not...
- For each display screen size, one or two weights work well
I have changed the 'h' and the '+' to work better for programming. Changed the 'F' to make it more clearly different from the 'f'. Before it was looking a little bit like lower case somehow.
This is a clone of Friendly GeekI built this to have the least possible padding at the top of a button.
This is a clone of Friendly Geek