Font is renamed to "OMNIFONT"
1.0 - Basic Latin, More Latin, Ext. Latin, Greek, Cyrillic, Armenian, Arabic, Gen. Punctuation.
1.1 - The Rest of Latin Ext.B and IPA, Hebrew (accents in 1.3), More Cyrillic, Phon. Extensions.
1.2 - Coptic, Even More Latin.
1.3 - The Rest of Latin, N'ko, Greek Extensions, Cyrillic Ext-A and B, The Rest Modifier Letters & Combining Marks.
1.4 - Dhivehi (Thaana), Cyrillic Ext-C, Greek & Cyrillic Unencoded Extened Characters, Tengwar, Cherokee, Private the font until it's finished.
NGrider would appreciate
A text cut of those nautical art deco typefaces, cobbled together from @Sed4tives's faux bezier curve tools
WIP: Currently working on kerning for accents. I guess it's what those folks over at Future Fonts do
This is a clone of STF_FAUX BEZIER ROTUNDSAn Aurebesh version of Broust Sans.
Type Č for Cherek
Type Æ for Enth
Type Ŋ for Nen
Type Š for Shen
Type Þ for Thesh
Type Œ for Onith
Type Ķ for Krenth
Type Ō for Orenth
The newest font to ever be inspired by the designer's handwriting is this one. Enter "handdeschrift," the best handwritten font to have ever been created. This is through trial & error, of course.
This is a clone of STF_FAUX BEZIER ROTUNDSCollection of linear-interpolated circle attempts, or simply faux-Bezier circles and other curvature related materials.
This toolset basically is collection of pre-made fake circles and curves in numerous different sizes to make ones workflow easier. It could also simply serve as a educative tool that demonstrates the basic FontStruct technique used for making fake curves and circles.
Initially I intended this to be much more complete, but it is simply too much work, and would take forever to get published at once.
Please don't expect this to be perfect, a lot gets fairly close to the "real-deal".
But keep in mind that they remain raw approximations of their true Bezier counterparts. I will try to improve whatever is needed as time progresses, as well as most likely add more stuff.
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I hope you like it so far,
Feel free to copy, re-use, improve or even destroy!
ABC Logo Font WIP
This is a clone of STF_FAUX BEZIER ROTUNDS