Published: 31st August, 2010
Last edited: 1st September, 2010
Created: 29th August, 2010
LDR HAET aka LDR#4. There are no holes except for crosses in this font. Use lowercase as a "manual kerning", you know, to keep the spacing between letters always the same, wow, I am an inventor.
A nice suprise was of no errors in the compiled font like displaced bricks or sth.
HAET is a mix between phrases "HATE" and "HEAT".
You are welcome to download, example pic tomorrow, I gotta watch my fav program in TV called "Daleko od noszy" which means that I'm really busy to open up Photoshop and write some black letters on yellow background.
It looks much better as a .ttf.
Yeah, I know it's so lo-res, but on my current computer I could not make more detailed font. Someday I will make a 100-200 square high remix.