Level Select/ Address Error remade into an actual font from Sonic 1.
only symbol includes $ for the address error text, because I was unable to find any other symbols that wasn't just the $.
Free to use, feel free to give credit if used. (ex. @wieiisherepico on youtube/fontstruct)
Done in like 30 minutes
aka enchanting table language
mostly known for its appearance in minecraft, but originally from commander keen. turns out notch was a fan of that game and friends with its dev, so he added this font to his game, and the original creator liked the idea.
This is for UWE coursework I honesly dont know what else to write here it's like 3am rn.
Update I've woken up and heres why a made this, it was a crisp autumn morn the birds were singing the morning dew resting on the grass. I lay in my bed as a though ran through my mind "hark, my what the font project is due. Whatever shall I design?" I sit up in my bed and reach around throuh the empty cider bottles for my macbook, alas it is out of my reach. I open my eyes to the low morning light burning my retinas as the subtle glint of my macbooks casing draws my eye. I rush out of bed and over to my desk to grab the glistening object of my desire. I grab it and leap back into bed before I succumb to the caverness cold of my tiny student accomodation.