Pixel lover! Start in late 82 when my dad bought me a C64 when I was 12. C64 came with only one font, so you've to create yours.
Live in Montreal, passionate of calligraphy, typography and photography, fill up all my spare time. Sketching and doodling fonts for the last 20 years, start with Fontlab only 2 years ago and more seriouly in FS begining of 2010.
Published: 6th May, 2011
Last edited: 6th May, 2011
Created: 15th May, 2010
9 months later... the slab version of BlaxThis is a clone of Blax
Published: 2nd July, 2010
Last edited: 2nd July, 2010
Created: 28th May, 2010
AKROY is a tiny readable font from a 2x2 grid. First of all I try as possible to use no Stack and Composite but at a certain point I had to take advantage of FS2.0
The influence is comming from a mix of genre of a same period 1920~1930: European and russian posters, Art Deco fonts mouvement.
I imerge myslef by passing in review over an hundred of posters and close everything to modestly create this font. ~~
LOWERCASE: Mostly Square everywhere
here it'is not for promoting a site but use as a reference of those masters typographers and graphic designers of the 20's and 30's. ~~
Published: 23rd June, 2010
Last edited: 5th July, 2010
Created: 7th June, 2010
It start with a very simple design of K and R narrow and tall but especialy a rounded end for stem and detach at the connexion.
I declined the rest. At one point I add carving inside the of O just for fun and found this avenue interesting. So I play with it, even with unusual glyphs like Iijl
Add some long alternate glyph for more fancy short word or headline
a bit unhappy with Vv any crit are very welcome
Published: 4th May, 2010
Last edited: 30th September, 2010
Created: 24th April, 2010
a V1.0 fontstruct - Minimalist 4 patterns font.
I create this font with my head rotated. It's a classic clean font. It's fun to play with size for different screen result, always readable, very small readable in pale grey, mid size get a cool fuzzy , big size clean and clear.
We can also overlay text to create shade and overlaping effect.