Published: 27th January, 2011
Last edited: 27th January, 2011
Created: 27th January, 2011
Use the keys QAZWSX to create dots. Use space to move to the next letter, or two spaces in a row to move to the next word. Note that 'user input' does not work properly here.
Published: 11th September, 2008
Last edited: 22nd September, 2008
Created: 8th September, 2008
Experimental font. Includes all basic Latin characters/numerals/symbols and the basic Greek characters, upper- and lower-case, from alpha to omega.
Published: 24th January, 2011
Last edited: 24th January, 2011
Created: 24th January, 2011
A clone of gameltry (which is a clone of cameltry) with lowercase Latin letters. The zero has been modified to distinguish it from the lowercase 'o' and to align it with the other numerals.
Published: 14th September, 2008
Last edited: 22nd September, 2008
Created: 13th September, 2008
Techno-style font. Inspired by Planet Kosmos. Updated with all the punctuation now, as well as Latin extended.
Published: 8th September, 2008
Last edited: 12th September, 2008
Created: 6th September, 2008
Smoothed version of the bitmap font Gunship. It's also the font used in the animated television series Code Lyoko. The letters and numbers are finalized, but the punctuation symbols still need polishing.