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@p2pnut: Thank you for your kind words, and rating. It may or may not sound strange, but I still need a lot of encouragement and positive feedback.
But Legolas is different because it is not based on staircases, but on crosses, and you know how much I love crosses. So Ok in small sizes the crosses and it becomes a classic (maybe too much classic for me but well made) gothic font, but I like it more in big sizes (and that's a premiere for a pixel font) because it seems and I would say it is constructed on a modern pharmacy cross pattern at light years from gothic... and it works perfectly.
Sorry but I do not rate, I don't believe in it anymore. I prefer to speak eyes in the eyes, heart to heart
but seriously I like the abstract-like or figures-like (I always see figures everywhere) sensation it has in very, VERY big sizes, and that aspect was not shown on your page
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