The designer of this FontStruction has chosen not to make it available for download from this website by choosing an “All Rights Reserved" license.
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If you would like to use the FontStruction for a specific project, you may be able to contact the designer directly about obtaining a license.
Good 3D effect and a useful compact arrangement; very consistent design idea, I like the () {} and €. Great to see diacritics, thankyou :)
Brings a whole new style to the tried-and-true 3D font. 10/10+fav
Thanks for your comments.
Do the proportions of the letters look well-balanced to you? I made the letters u, n, h narrower than a, e, p, q, o but I'm not entirely sure if it's good or makes the font look more squished than good ...
The font doesn't look squashed, when I wrote "compact" I meant that letters touch, which remains legible because of the highlighted lines being next to shadow lines. But I'd make the h and n a little wider to look more in keeping with the other letters; the u is fine.
They look fine to me. You may want to make w and v shorter, look at the sample text and you'll see what I mean
I like this, it looks impressive. Congratulations on the TP. 10/10 and fav.
That's really nice!
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