
by NorthernLight

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Simple Piano Constructor which allows piano tab representation of chords.

1 Comment

How to use PianoStructNK
. renders the first 5 piano keys of an octave ranging from C - E
, same as . but adds C below the C key.
: renders the last 7 piano keys of an octave ranging from F - B
; same as : but adds a F below the F key.
Any key following . , : ; will hit the respective key, for instance
.cCdDe:fFgGaAb renders an entire octave with all keys hit.
To hit a black key you have to enter the respective upper case letters.
.ce:g renders a C chord
(compare right piano tab in the picture below).
;fa,c renders a F chord with annotations (compare mid piano tab in the picture below).
:gb.d renders a G chord (compare left piano tab in the picture below).
.ce:gB renders a C7 chord.
:b.D:Fa renders a B7 chord.
You have to set a font size of 36 (or more) for acceptable reading.
Comment by NorthernLight 27th may 2009

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